About the Journal

Focus and Scope

The scientific journal "Honor and Law" (certificate of state registration of the printed media KV №21023 - 10823 PR from 22.09.2014) was founded in 2001 by the Main Directorate of Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine.

The journal is included in category "B" of the List of scientific professional editions of Ukraine in specialties 251 ˗ "State Security", 253 ˗ "Military Administration (by type of armed forces)" (order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine from 28.12.2019 № 1643) and 081 ˗ “Law”, 281 ˗ “Public management and Administration” (order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated 17.03.2020 № 409).

Publications are indexed in the scientometric database Index Copernicus (Poland) and the bibliometric platform Google Scholar.

Publicity and Open Access Policy

This journal pursues a policy of immediate open access to published content, supporting the principles of free dissemination of scientific information and global exchange of knowledge for the general social progress. The journal is stored in federal abstract database of Vernadsky National Library, and included with the Index Copernicus.

The journal is fully open access, which means that all articles are available on the internet to all users immediately upon publication.

Author’s rights

The authors retain all copyrights and publishing rights with no limited publications. The Journal allows users: to read, download, copy, distribute, type and refer to the whole articles upon conditions of affiliation. Repeated recycling of Journal contents is allowed according to Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

Publication fees

Free of charge.

Editorial policy

The editorial policy of the scientific journal "Honor and Law" provides for the reflection of scientific achievements in the specialties (thematic areas):

  • military management (service and combat activities of the defense forces);
  • state security (service and combat activities of security forces);
  • public management and administration (public administration in the field of national security);
  • law (legal support of military service);
  • psychology (psychology of extreme activities),
  • publication of review and scientific-methodical materials.

The journal publishes original scientific articles containing the results of scientific research of specialists of the National Guard of Ukraine, law enforcement agencies and other military formations, scientists, teachers, associate professors, cadets, students and anyone interested in current issues in these areas.

Frequency of the publication - quarterly.

Circulation - 100 copies.

Articles are published after review by leading experts and
discussing them at a meeting of the editorial board.
Articles not accepted for publication or rejected will not be returned to the authors not reviewed.

Peer Review Process

For consideration, the editorial board accepts articles that are published for the first time, have a scientific nature and correspond to one of the thematic areas of the journal, have a positive external review (requirements for the reviewer, see Order of the MES № 32 dated 15.01.2018  - № 6)  

Peer  review is as follows:

1. A reviewer is appointed from the editorial board by the editor-in-chief according to the profile of the research.

2. Reviewing is conducted confidentially on the principles of double-blind reviewing (bilateral "blind" reviewing, when neither the author nor the reviewer know each other).

3. The reviewer concludes on the scientific level of the article and makes recommendations to the author (publish the article without changes; make minor changes; make significant changes; reject the article), which the executive secretary informs the author about.

4. If comments are found, the article is sent to the author for revision. The corrected version is re-submitted to the reviewer to make a decision and prepare a conclusion on the possibility of publication.

5. In case of disagreement with the opinion of the reviewer, the author of the article has the right to provide a reasoned answer to the editors of the journal.

6. The final decision on the possibility and expediency of publication, taking into account the conclusions of external and internal reviewers, is made at a meeting of the editorial board, the editor-in-chief and the editorial board as a whole. After deciding to publish the article for publication, the executive secretary informs the author and indicates the expected date of publication.

7. The final decision on the composition of printed articles of the issue is approved by the minutes of the meeting of the Academic Council of the National Academy of the National Guard of Ukraine.

The Editorial Board has the right to reject articles in case of inability or unwillingness of the author to take into account the comments of reviewers.

Instructions for authors


Articles with the number of co-authors no more than three are published in the journal. ​

Articles from authors of third-party organizations are accepted in English (the Ukrainian version of the article must be attached).

Authors of NA NGU, who submit an article in Ukrainian after passing through the stages of review, editing and acceptance of the article for publication, translate the final version themselves or can use the editor's translation.

The article must have the following elements:

- abstract and keywords (abstract and keywords).

- statement of the problem (statement of the problem) In the section, it is necessary to reveal the essence and state of the scientific problem in general, its theoretical and (or) practical significance, connection with important scientific or practical tasks; justify the relevance of the research and its importance for the further development of theory or practice. It is mandatory to have a paragraph with a conclusion about the relevance of the study of this problem for science;

- analysis of the latest research and publications (an analysis of recent research and publications) in the section, it is necessary to briefly, critically and in a certain logical sequence analyze the main provisions of recent researches and publications directly related to the raised problem, to single out the previously unresolved parts of the general problem, to which the article is devoted. The purpose of this section is to show the parts of the problem under study that have not been solved by other scientists. The conclusion of the review is the identification of a research niche not occupied by other scientists in this problem. It is desirable to review the literature based on sources no older than 5 years, including a review of foreign periodicals (if possible);

- the purpose of the article (the purpose of the article) should arise from the formulation of the problem and the analysis of recent research and publications. It should clearly define the final scientific result, indicate on which scientific premises it is based, what and how it is achieved (with the involvement, in particular, of scientific hypotheses, ideas, phenomena, laws). To achieve the goal, it is necessary to formulate 2-3 partial tasks, the solution of which reveals the research plan;

- presenting main material (summary​ of the main material) the structure of the section should consistently reflect the solutions to the problems formulated in the article's purpose section. It is necessary to highlight: the main provisions and results of scientific research, personal ideas, opinions, received scientific facts, revealed regularities, connections, trends, methods of obtaining and analyzing factual material, the author's personal contribution to the achievement and implementation of research;

conclusions (conclusions) must be specific and reflect the most important results of the research, which contain scientific novelty and have theoretical and (or) practical significance. Conclusions should contain prospects for further development in the specified direction;

list of sources link  is drawn up in accordance with DSTU8302:2015; sources are indicated in square brackets with indicating the number of the source in the order of mention in the text;

references is given in a separate block and completely repeats the list of reference sources.

The following is added to the article:

‒ a document on the possibility of open publication of the article;

‒ information about the author(s) in Ukrainian and English (surname, first name, patronymic, scientific degree, academic title, position, full name of the institution where the author works, telephone, e-mail , ORCID);

‒ a scan copy of the consent form for the translation of the article filled out and certified by a personal signature (if the article is submitted in Ukrainian, for authors of NA NGU);

‒ photos of the authors in electronic form on a white background in the format. jpg.

The length of the article, together with the list of reference sources and the abstract, should not exceed 15 pages of A4 format computer set.

Requirements for typing and design of the article

Page parameters: Margin sizes (cm): left – 2.5, right – 1.5, top – 2.5, bottom – 2.5. font – Times New Roman (the main text of the article size 14 pt with an interval of 1.5, paragraph indent 0.5 without hyphens;

the first line (on the left) – UDC – bold drawing, paragraph indent 0.5 cm;

second line (left) – Authors' initials and surnames - bold, paragraph indent 0.5 cm;

the third line (in the middle) – The title of the article is in bold, capital letters, center alignment;

after an interval Abstract - italics, alignment by width, indentation of the first line of the paragraph 0.5 cm, submitted in the language of the main text of the article;

Key words - italics, alignment by width, indentation of the first line of the paragraph 0.5 cm, 5‒8 words;

with an interval The text of the article is drawn straight, aligned by width, the indent of the first line of the paragraph is 0.5 cm, the line spacing is 1.5;

through the interval conclusions. They should be specific and reflect the most important research results that contain scientific novelty and have theoretical and (or) practical significance. Conclusions should contain prospects for further development in the specified direction;

after an interval the list of sources links are issued in accordance with DSTU 8302:2015 "Information and documentation. Bibliographic reference. General provisions and rules of compilation" in the order of mention in the text;

after list of reference sources is drawn up References (according to the APA international standard). For online transliteration Ukrainian about languages sources we recommend using



To each transliterated source in square brackets indicate the English translation language​ English speaking sources are not transliterated, but simply repeated. At the end bibliographical description of each source is indicated in square brackets language, which it was issued - [in Ukrainian];

if available in the publication from the List of used of DOI sources, this identifier necessarily indicates because​ exactly he is the most accurate the source information about the article.

An example of the design of References


Article from a periodical:

Author(s) (year of publication). Transliterated title of the article [Translation of the title of the article into English]. Name of the periodical, issue (vol.), number (no.), pages (pp.). [Original language]

Kovalov A.N.​ ​(2022). Elevation kontsentratsii triglycerides in plasma blood and cardiovascular risk [Triglycerides plasma level elevation and cardiovascular risk]. Ukrainian Medical Journal , vol . 3, no . 71, pp . 70–76. [in Ukrainian]


Kovalenko E.​ O. , Bondarchuk T.S. , Kosinov​ R. ​S., Baka V.B. (2017). Mathematychna model process popovnennia resource skladnykh radioelektronnykh resources ozbroiennia she analysis optimizatsii parameters process tekhnichnoho obsluhovuvannia for stanom [Mathematical model of the process of replenishment of the resource of complex electronic weapons and analysis of the optimization of the parameters of maintenance processes by state]. Zbirnyk naukovykh prats Natsionalnoi academy Derzhavnoi prykordonnoi sluzhby Ukraine. Series: viiskovi she tekhnichni science​ Khmelnytskyi: NADPSU, vol. 26, pp. 87–108. Inv. no. 2169-v taiemno. [in Ukrainian]


Nemertsev O., Tysko Yu., Muliar I., Cheshun V. (2020). The Development of an Intelligent Complex of Radiation-Technological Control of a Safety Barrier. International Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering Research available​ Vol. 8, no. 7, pp. 3483–3486. [in English]



Author(s) (year of publication). Transliterated book title [Translation of the book title into English]. City: Publishing house. [Original language]


Savchenko AP, Cherkavskaya OV, Rudenko BA, Bolotov PA (2021). Interventsionna cardiology​ [Interventional cardiology. Coronarography and stenting]. Kyiv: GEOTAR- Media. [in Ukrainian]


A constituent part of a book (chapter, article):

Author(s) (year of publication). Transliterated title of a part of a book (chapter, article) [Translation of the name of a part of a book (chapter, article) into English]. Transliterated book title [Translation of the book title into English]. City: Publishing house, pages (pp.). [Original language]


Savchenko AP, Cherkavskaya OV, Rudenko BA, Bolotov PA (2021). Anomalous anatomy koronarnykh arteriy [Deviant anatomy of coronary arteries]. Interventsionna cardiology​ [Interventional cardiology. Coronarography and stenting]. Kyiv: GEOTAR- Media, pp. 60-79. [in Ukrainian]


Article from an electronic periodical:

Author(s) (year of publication). Transliterated name of the periodical [Translation of the name of the periodical into English]. Transliterated name of the periodical, issue (vol.), number (no.), pages (pp.). Retrieved from : (e-mail address of the article) (accessed (site visit date) must be indicated!!!). [Original language]


Babii Yu. Oh, Lienkov Yes. S., Polishchuk VV (2019). Automated system tekhnichnoho obsluhovuvannia skladnoho objekta radioelektronnoi tekhniky [Automated maintenance system for complex electronic equipment]. Zbirnyk prats Natsionalnoi academy Derzhavnoi prykordonnoi sluzhby Ukrainy imeni B. Khmelnytskoho. Series: viiskovi she tekhnichni science​ Khmelnytskyi: NADPSU, vol. 27, pp. 77–92. Retrieved from : http://www.warse.org/IJETER/static/pdf/file/ijeter63862020 (accessed 10 January 2021) [in Ukrainian]


Article from the collection of conference reports:

Author(s) (year of publication). Transliterated thesis title [Translation of thesis title into English]. Proceedings of the Name of the conference (country, city, date) (eds. (editors, editorial board, if any)). City of publication: Publishing house, pages (pp.). [Original language]


Bondarenko T. V., Selyukov D. O. Information and telecommunication systems: forecasting reliability and cost of operation. Theoretical and applied aspects of the application of information technologies in the field of natural sciences: materials of the III International Scientific and Practical Conference of Young Scientists (April 6–8, 2018). Odesa: VA, 2018. P. 116–119.

Bondarenko TV, Sieliukov DO (2018). Information she telecommunications systemy: prohnozuvannia nadiinosti i vartosti exploitation [Information and telecommunication systems: forecasting the reliability and cost of operation]. Proceedings of the 3rd International scientificand practical conference "Teoretychni she practical aspects zastosuvannia informatsiinykh tekhnolohii v haluzi pryrodnychykh nauk" (Ukraine, Odesa, April 6–8, 2018). Odesa: VA, pp. 116–119. [in Ukrainian]



Author(s) (year of publication). Transliterated title of the dissertation [Translation of the title of the dissertation into English]. (PhD thesis / Doctor's thesis). City: Publishing house. [Original language]


Kulinich IA (2021). Derzhavne upravlinnia u sferi zapezpechennia national bezpeky Ukrainy [Public administration in the field of national security of Ukraine]. PhD thesis. Kyiv: NYOY, p. 36. [in Ukrainian]



Author(s) (year of publication). Transliterated title of the dissertation [Translation of the title of the dissertation into English]. (Extended abstract of PhD thesis / doctor's thesis). City: Publishing house. [Original language]


Kulinich IA (2021). Derzhavne upravlinnia u sferi security national bezpeky Ukrainy [Public administration in the field of national security of Ukraine]. Extended abstract of candidate's thesis Kyiv: NYOY, p. 36. [in Ukrainian]


Author(s) (year of publication). Transliterated title of the publication [Translation of the title of the publication into English]. Working paper . Preprint number. City: Publishing house. [Original language]


Ivanov VV (2019). Cardiology [Cardiology]. Working paper WP3/2012/01. Kyiv: Druk. [in Ukrainian]





Statistical collection:

Name of the organization (transliterated version or translation into English) (year of publication). Transliterated book title [Translation of the book title into English]. City: Publishing house. [Original language]


Derzhavna sluzhba statistics Ukraine (2018). Social indicator rivnia zhyttia naselennia [Social indicators of living]. Kyiv: Informatsiino-analytichne agency ​[in Ukrainian]



DSTU ISO 9001-2001. Transliterated name of the standard [Number and translation of the name of the standard into English]. (year, month, date of acceptance). City: Publishing house. [Original language]


DSTU ISO 9001-2001. Systemy upravlinnia yakistiu​ Vymohy. [State Standard ISO 9001-2001. Quality Management Systems . Requirements]. (2001, July 27). Kyiv: Derzhstandart Ukraine. [in Ukrainian]


Legislative and regulatory documents:

Transliterated title of the document [Translation of the title of the document into English]. (year, month, date of acceptance). Transliterated name of the official publication , number, pages. [Original language]


About the National Guard of Ukraine: Law of Ukraine dated 03/13/2014 No. 876-VII. URL: http://surl.li/qeqja (access date: 09/10/2023).

Law Ukrainy "Pro Natsionalnu hvardiiu Ukrainy" No. 876-VII [Law of Ukraine about the National Guard of Ukraine activity no. 876-VII]. (2014, March 13). Vidomosti Verkhovnoi Rady Ukrainy. Retrieved from: http://surl.li/qeqja (accessed 10 September 2023) [in Ukrainian].


On the defense of Ukraine: Law of Ukraine dated 06.12.1991 No. 1932-XII. Information of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. URL: https://zakon.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/1932-12#Text (date of application: 14.08.2021).  


Law Ukrainy "Pro defense Ukrainy" No. 1932-XII [Law of Ukraine about the Defense of Ukraine activity no. 1932-XII]. (1991, December 6). Vidomosti Verkhovnoyi advice Ukraine. Retrieved from: https://zakon.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/1932-12#Text (accessed August 14, 2021). [in Ukrainian]


On the national security strategy of Ukraine: Decree of the President of Ukraine "On the decision of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine" dated September 14, 2020 No. 392/2020 "On the National Security Strategy of Ukraine". Information of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. URL: https://zakon.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/121/2021#n2 (date of application: 13.08.2021).


Ukaz President Ukrainy Pro rishennia advice national bezpeky and oborony Ukrainy "Pro Strategy voiennoi bezpeky Ukrainy” No. 392/2020 [Decree of the President of Ukraine he the decision of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine " On the Strategy of Military Security of Ukraine" activity no. 392/2020]. (2020, September 14). Vidomosti Verkhovnoyi advice Ukraine. Retrieved from: https://zakon.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/121/2021#n2 (accessed August 13, 2021). [in Ukrainian]



Surname and initials of the inventor/inventors (year). Copyright holder transliteration or official title in English (year). Transliterated title of the invention in italics [Translation of the title of the patent into English]. Country, patent number. [Original language]


Zhuravchak AZ, Pasechnikov SP, Diachuk MD inventors (2012). Methods zbory material from prostate [Method for sampling sample from prostate]. Ukrainian patent, no. 74938. [in Ukrainian]


If there is no data about the author (collective of authors), but there is data about the editor, the data about him are placed at the beginning of the link:

Vasiliev II (ed.) (2010). Cardiology [Cardiology]. Kyiv: Svit. [in Ukrainian]


If there is no information about the author (team of authors) and editor, then the name of the organization that published the material (publishing house) is placed at the beginning of the link:

Donetsk National Medical University (2012). Cardiology. Donetsk: Donetsk National Medical University. [in Ukrainian]


The word "publishing" ("publishing") etc. is not indicated in the link; only the name of the publisher or organization is indicated:

Vasiliev II (2010). Cardiology [Cardiology]. Kyiv: Svit. And not: Kyiv: Publishing "Svit" or Kyiv: Svit Publishing.


If the material is not published, then after the title in round brackets is indicated "unpublished":

Vasiliev II (2010). Cardiology [Cardiology] (unpublished).


After References served extended abstract (in the English-language version of the article - the abstract in Ukrainian, in the Ukrainian-language version of the article - in English), at least 1800 characters, which must include purpose and task research, methods research, results research and keywords (5‒8 words). ​

After an interval, information about the authors is provided articles in Ukrainian and English (surname, first name, patronymic, scientific degree, academic title, position, full name of the institution where the author works, telephone, e-mail, ORCID).

Formulas are typed in the MS Equation 3 editor with end-to-end numbering from the right edge of the page.

Enter the following sizes in the "Size→Define" menu: "Ordinary" ‒ 11 pt; «Big index» – 8 points; "Small index» – 7 pt; "Big symbol" ‒ 14 Fri; "Small symbol" ‒ 10 p.m.

It is forbidden to use graphic objects, frames and tables for the set of formulas.

The table header is Times font New Roman, pin 14 pt, drawing is straight. The name of the table is printed in capital letters and placed above the table with paragraph indentation.

Drawings and diagrams must be grouped and accompanied by signatures (the name of the drawing is printed in capital letters and placed in the middle of the line. Kegl 11 pt).

The name of the file must include the surname, name of the author (authors) and the title of the article.

Changes in the text and abbreviations that do not affect the content of the materials are made by the editorial board without agreement with the author.

Completed submissions are sent to the Executive Secretary to the following emails:

chiz@nangu.edu.ua or nov_nangu@ukr.net

Checking manuscripts of articles for academic plagiarism

Manuscripts are checked for academic plagiarism using the "Strikeplagiarism".
Academic plagiarism means the publication (partially or completely) of scientific (creative) results obtained by others as the results of their own research (creativity), and / or reproduction of published texts by other authors without proper reference (in accordance with Article 69 of the Law of Ukraine "On Higher education ").
The results of the examination for academic plagiarism are taken into account when the editorial board of the publication decides to allow the manuscript of the article for publication. Manuscripts with unacceptable or low level of originality are not accepted for consideration, other manuscripts are considered by the editorial board in accordance with the established policy of the publication.
Plagiarism is unacceptable. Manuscripts with plagiarism or textual borrowings without reference to the original source are rejected by the editorial board forever or until the deficiencies are eliminated.

Journal History

The scientific journal "Honor and Law" was founded in 2001 by the Main Directorate of Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine. In 2010, the rights of the founder were passed to the Academy of Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine. In 2014, due to the change in the name of the educational institution (founder) to the National Academy of the National Guard of Ukraine (Order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 526 dated 27.05.2014. "About the renaming of the Academy of Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine", Decree of the President of Ukraine No. 497/2014 "About the accordance to the National Academy of National Guard of Ukraine status as a national") the scientific journal "Honor and Law" was re-registered (the certificate on state registration of the printed mass media, KV № 21023 - 10823 PR from 09.22.2014).

         The scientific journal "Honor and Law" is included in the List of scientific professional editions of Ukraine, branch "Military Sciences" (the decision of the college of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated 30.06.2015).Frequency of the publication - quarterly. Circulation 100 copies.