riots, typical situation, tactical metho, , the mode to deploy the National Guard of Ukraine formation, rational mode.Abstract
The approach to determine the modes to deploy the formations of the National Guard of Ukraine, taking into account their confrontation with the crowd in riot conditions is presented. Held analysis, which indicates that it is most expedient for the formations of the Guard today to consider such methods of their deployment as preventive, spot and combined. Approach to elaborate the modes of deployment of Guard’s formations allows to choose from a list of characteristics, such as situations, types and actions of the crowd, tactical techniques and tasks of formation, precisely those that are the best in terms of opportunities and the degree of achievement of the goal. The essence of the preventive mode of action is to prevent the infiltration of violators to prevent the occurrence of disturbances. Spot mode of of action of NGU is used in cases where the crowd was prevented from entering the settlement or the place of events and the crowd from the downtown is moving to a certain place to participate in the riots. An integrated mode of action of the Guard’s formations is used in cases where a large number of crowds gathered in the square to participate in riots. To select the modes of actions, a list of typical situations in which group violations of public order and riots take place was determined. Preliminary analysis allowed us to determine the typical situations and conditions that correspond to the peculiarities of the actions of the Guard and of the crowd in given conditions. Proposed procedure the modes to deploy of the formations contributes to the qualitative fulfillment of the task of ending the riots
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