coefficient of road resistance, coefficient of aerodynamic resistance, microprocessor complex, special wheeled vehicles, software.Abstract
To adopt new or upgraded models of special wheeled vehicles, it must pass state tests to confirm the tactical and technical characteristics, taking into account the conditions of their operation. The greatest attention during the tests, based on the designation of special wheeled vehicles, should be given precisely to the dynamic properties and evaluation of their performance.
Known methods for determining components of motion resistance, indicators dynamic special wheeled vehicles and their components requires a large test volume, and hence - time-consuming, lubricants and do not exclude the error register of the data does not meet the requirements of economy, efficiency and reliability when testing addition Moreover, after carrying out road tests, it is necessary to perform statistical processing of a large amount of data.
Therefore, the challenge is to develop a method for the experimental evaluation indices and dynamic resistance to movement of special wheeled vehicles during the road tests, especially the variants thereof that do not require unduly complex or costly equipment via an adapted microprocessor complex and special software.
An improved method for the experimental determination of traction-speed indicators of special wheeled vehicles and their components using a microprocessor complex and special software was developed. The proposed method makes it possible to significantly increase the efficiency of the work of researchers in conducting tests, namely: to improve accuracy, to reduce time and fuel and lubricants.
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