indicator, ability, interspecific tactical group, combat potential, energy approach, forecastAbstract
Formation of the variant of the interspecific tactical group for the fulfillment of a specific combat task is carried out on the basis of calculating the values of the indicator of combat potential and its components using the energy approach. The components of the combat potential calculated on the basis of the energy approach are the coefficients of bioenergy, energy technology and protective potential. The central question, however, remains the question of the level of combat capability of the interspecific tactical group to be achieved in order to achieve the combat mission accomplished with a probability not less than the given one. The index of the forecast of the ability to fulfill the combat task with the formed composition of interspecies tactical group is substantiated in the article. It allows to predict the probability of performing a combat task depending on the ratio of the total combat potentials of the units of the parties, calculated on the basis of the energy approach. Using the developed indicator, there is an opportunity for specified values of the probability of the military units of combat mission and combat potential of the enemy to determine the required level of combat potential of the interspecific tactical group to perform the assigned combat task.References
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