


National Guard of Ukraine, military units, capabilities, indicator, criterion


In peacetime, for the performance of tasks, military units and units of the National Guard of Ukraine (NGU) daily form the corresponding guards, outfits, and groups. For the sake of brevity, these temporary military formations are called Police duties. The number and type of police duties is determined by policy and may depend on the current conditions of the situation.

Opportunities for the allocation of police duties may depend on the tasks assigned, on the conditions of the operational situation and on the number of personnel in the military unit of the NGU. In addition to performing the tasks of service and combat activities (SCA), the personnel are engaged in combat training, are in charge of daily work orders, must have time to rest and for other needs. Therefore, the capabilities of the military units of the NGU to allocate police duties and perform the tasks of the SCA may be sufficient and insufficient, which makes it necessary to measure the service and combat capabilities (SCC) of the military units in order to form sound decisions on the fulfillment of tasks in peacetime and in a special period.

In a special period, NGU military units may take part in hostilities.

he significant variety of parameters of the situation, the number and types of outfits necessary to perform the tasks of the SCA in peacetime and in a special period, the diversity of the numerical and qualitative composition of military units, make the task of measuring the SCC difficult and give rise to the problem of choosing indicators and criteria for assessing the PBX of military units and subunits of NGU.

In order to measure and predict the capabilities of military units and subunits, in the article obtained indicators and criteria that have a clear physical meaning, correspond to the goals and objectives of the service and combat operations of units and subunits of the National Guard of Ukraine in peacetime and in a special period.

In the given calculation expressions there is used the initial data available in the control bodies. This allows the use of indicators and criteria for quantitative assessments in the course of making decisions on the performance of service and combat missions.


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