


mass disturbances, artificial obstacles, tactics of overcoming barricades


This article presents a problem in determining tactics of action in overcoming the engineering barriers of street communications during riotous disturbances. The authors carried out an analysis of scientific researches and publications, as well as examples of years in which used different methods of combating protesters. A description and detailed characteristic of the barricades that were built by protesters in Ukraine from 2000 to the present are given. In the course of research, the possibilities of using the staffing of engineering protection for the new appointment are determined. The authors define the way to overcome the street barricades with the assistance of the group of engineering intelligence and enclosure with a support of special cars equipped with water bodies and dumps. Conducting research that showed that the movement of large units (company, battalion) should be carried out by small groups (to ensure reliable management), and approaching the intelligence barricade in order to overcome it should be carried out under the cover of a water jet and aerosols (smoke, tear gas) for coercion protesters to leave the barricade. Based on the generalization of the relevant experience of practical actions of law-enforcers, which they acquired during crisis events, as well as the results of empirical (field) research using elements of anti-skid mobile barriers, as well as against fragmented blankets, a new tactic of overcoming barricades is proposed.


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