
  • Yu. A. Babiy



moving object, offender, monitoring of the state border, technical means of border guarding.


For the first time, the concept of monitoring of moving objects on the land border of Ukraine by technical means of protection has been developed. The essence of the concept is the establishment of new features of the classification and interconnections between components of the monitoring process such as threats and dangers, technical means of border guarding, types of moving objects as potential offenders. The concept differs in that it establishes a feature of the distribution of threats by the degree of mutual influence between the subject of ensuring national security and the threat, danger, as well as the significance of the identified threats, dangers. New types of carriers of moving objects were classified as offenders, as well as new types of means of protection and protection of the border. The use of the concept allowed to develop the functional structure of the radio electronic monitoring complex, as well as to expand the methodological provisions in the areas of radar, seismic mapping, fiber optics to ensure a sufficient level of impedance monitoring of the perpetrator at the land border in the future.

Improved classification of moving objects when monitoring the land border of Ukraine. Relatively new moving objects are underground communications, unmanned aerial vehicles, which made it possible to determine the perspective direction of the monitoring process development on the land border.

The analysis of staffing with technical means of protection for monitoring of the land border has been carried out. The result of the analysis is the establishment of a substantial insufficient provision of units of the means of protection of the codon, which ensure the automatic detection of moving objects, which ensures the implementation of the principle of continuity in time for the protection of the land border. In addition, there are no means for monitoring unmanned aerial vehicles, reliable surveillance of surveillance positions.


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