National Guard of Ukraine, linear military units, capabilities, effectiveness, indicator, criterion.Abstract
The presented method provides the possibility of quantitative assessments and forecasts, current and expected capabilities and efficiency of solving tasks by NGU military units in regions of responsibility in accordance with the type of military units, conditions and NGU tasks in peacetime, and also allows you to perform the marked assessments in a special period in the interests of justification of decisions making.
The National Guard of Ukraine (NGU) is a military formation with law enforcement functions. In peacetime, NGU performs two groups of basic functions:
- protection of public order, nuclear installations of nuclear power plants and other important state facilities and cargo, diplomatic and other representative offices of foreign states in Ukraine;
- participation in events and operations - for the protection of the state border, the destruction of illegal armed criminals and groups, the restoration of law and order, the elimination of consequences of emergency situations, as well as participation in international peacekeeping operations.
In a special period, the third group of functions is added to the listed functions — the conduct of military (combat) actions and territorial defense in cooperation with the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
The entire range of functions in the NGU structure is entrusted to linear military units of five types: 1) the protection of important state objects, special cargo;
2) protection of diplomatic missions, consular offices of foreign states, representative offices of international organizations in Ukraine; 3) protection of public order; 4) operational appointment; 5) special purpose subunits (detachments).
The number of personnel appointed to solve tasks within each function is determined by policy documents,
Preliminary estimation of the effectiveness and reliability of the expected results of the tasks, as a rule, are not carried out due to the lack of the necessary indicators, criteria, models and methods for calculating them.
The presented in the article method of mathematical modeling and evaluation the efficiency and ability to perform the service and combat tasks by subunits, units and formations of National guard of Ukraine, provides the possibility of quantitative assessment and forecasts, current and expected capabilities and efficiency of solving tasks by NGU military units in regions of responsibility in accordance with the type of military units, conditions and NGU tasks in peacetime, and also allows you to perform the marked assessments in a special period in the interests of justification of decisions making.
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