
  • T. A. Sutyushev



a strong point, a mountain plateau.


 The need to organize a strong point on a mountain plateau often arises during combat operations in the mountains with the use of aircraft after an emergency landing of an aircraft. The need to organize a base on a mountain plateau may also arise in order to take it under control. Unfortunately, the empirical and practical experience of the rapid organization of strong points on the mountain plateau and firn (ice) cover is not generalized today. The specifics of the organization of such a support point requires, first of all, the justification of the configuration of the elements, taking into account the relief, the equipment of its mountain equipment, the methods of engineering work (their volume), taking into account the psychophysical state of the personnel.In due course, field studies were carried out on this topic with the solution of the following research tasks: - determination of the combat capabilities of a group of mixed composition (reconnaissance, mountain arrows, aircraft navigators) by accelerated covert ascent to the mountain plateau without sufficient altitude acclimatization; - drawing up a list of requirements (method of expert assessment) and grounding (mountain firn plateau) on the choice of location and organization of the reference point;- study of ground-based masking of the safe passage route of helicopters of the high-mountain pass, as well as the procedure for targeting and targeting to destroy target objects at the dominant heights with airborne weapons;- study the order of engineering equipment of the support point with the definition of the necessary time and energy consumption;- determination of a rational variant of the organization and creation of a fire system;- research on tactical camouflage of a stronghold and individual camouflage of military personnel. The features of the mountain plateau with a firn (ice) cover, in the presence of cracks in it, greatly simplify the equipment on it of a stronghold in engineering terms. In this case, it is required to equip fire cells in the cracks and hang mining equipment (first of all - railings). The cost of this work requires no more than an hour of time in the platoon, and energy costs do not exceed 0.4 MJ per person.A special feature is the masking of such a strong point. It is better to carry out selective blackening of firn stained with the use of manual smoke grenades of black smoke, as well as rock rubble. The approach outlined in the article for conducting such studies may be appropriate in the future for research in this area.


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