
  • M. I. Balan



public administration, national security of Ukraine, socio-political stability threats, globalization processes, hybridization of threats


World events of the present constantly demonstrate the emergence of socio-political stability threats on the basis of globalization of these processes. The unification of civilizations cannot take place without armed clashes. The complicated socio-political situation that has developed in Ukraine has a very negative effect on the state of ensuring the national security of the state.

Thus, today the hybridization of socio-political stability threats has become the most widespread development in the basis of which there are the globalization processes of the XXI century.

A large number of domestic and foreign scientists devoted their works to the study of issues of the latest hybridization of socio-political stability threats and the development of mechanisms for reacting to the forces of the security and defense sector. However, the research of the latest hybrids of the socio-political stability threats, as the realities of the XXI century, remained outside of the attention of the scientific community.

The purpose of the paper is to investigate the latest hybrids of socio-political stability threats by analyzing the connection of globalization processes with the aggravation of crisis situations.

The article proves that the multifaceted socio-political processes in the states of the modern world, the deterioration of the standard of living of the population, social tension, etc. lead to deformation and destruction of social life, political stability in the state and require the authorities to take more into account in the domestic policy of the social factor.

It is substantiated that globalization contributes to the emergence of socio-political stability threats. The development of global markets for goods, services and capital forces the society to change its traditions, culture, and so on. Therefore, globalization destroys the traditional way of life and provokes a massive protest of the population, which is a significant cause of crisis situations.

It is established that hybridization of the social and political stability threats is taking place in the world. The main reason for this is the evolutionary development of a modern society based on globalization processes. At the same time, it is not necessary to neglect studies of socio-political stability threats of the XIX–XX centuries. Social conflict is still a relevant subject of study when developing appropriate mechanisms of state response.

The hybridization model of the socio-political stability threats has been developed, which shows that today the study of hybridization of social and political stability threats in both the countries of the world and Ukraine deserves special attention.

It is noted that the development of state mechanisms for responding to the socio-political stability threats is an extremely relevant topic of research, and the efforts of further scientific research will be directed on.


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