
  • O. H. Komisarov
  • O. F. Коbzar



law enforcement, police activity, law enforcement agencies, National Guard of Ukraine, legality.


The article is devoted to the analysis of the peculiarities of the implementation of police activity by the units of the National Guard of Ukraine. It is determined that one of the most important tasks of the state is the process of developing an effective law-enforcement system, whose subjects are empowered to use lawful coercion in protecting the public welfare and counteracting the dangers. Police activity in the general sense should be considered as a special type of public management activity focused on the protection of public order and public security.

The role of police activity in the system of legal forms of activity of the state and its bodies is explored. The content, purpose, tasks and functions of the investigated legal phenomenon are revealed.

The place and role of the National Guard of Ukraine as a military formation with law enforcement functions are determined. The uniqueness of the National Guard of Ukraine lies in the fact that its units perform service and combat tasks in the interests of citizens, society and the state in peacetime, in emergency situations, as well as in the event of armed aggression or armed conflict. The issue of normative regulation of the activity of the National Guard as a law enforcement agency is set out, whose task is to provide public security, participate in the protection of public authorities and objects of critical infrastructure.

The basic directions of police activity of the National Guard of Ukraine are determined. Namely in ensuring the defense of Ukraine, the protection of its sovereignty and territorial integrity, security of the border area, the protection of diplomatic missions, the protection of public order.

The differences between the National Guard of Ukraine and the National Police, which is essentially a civilian body that provides public service in order to safeguard human rights, are outlined.

The guidelines for the development of the National Guard of Ukraine in terms of approaching the world standards of police activity are determined.


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