addictive behavior, military personnel, dependencies, psychological personality characteristics, diagnostics, methods.Abstract
The article discusses the most common psychodiagnostic methods for identifying individuals prone to various manifestations of addictive behavior, and already formed dependencies. The described programs have been developed for diagnostics and possible correction of military personnel prone to addictive behavior in different countries of the world. The basic personality-characterological features of an individual with the syndrome of dependence have been elucidated and the main tasks of organizing and conducting psychodiagnostics in public institutions have been determined. As a result of the study of scientific sources, it was determined that the problem of diagnosing the propensity for addictive behavior among military units of different countries of the world is not as widely disclosed as with civilians, and introduced only in some leading countries of the world. Conducted own theoretical studies allowed to define the concept of “addictive behavior of military personnel” as one of the forms of destructive behavior, which is expressed in a person’s desire to escape from reality by changing their mental state by taking certain substances or permanently fixing attention on certain objects or activities, accompanied by the occurrence of a negative mental state. Analysis of the governing documents, guidelines, scientific publications indicates that the problem of identifying military employees who are prone to addictive behavior is generally considered as a fact of the existing dependence on alcohol or psychoactive substances and is purely preventive and prophylactic.
The existing approaches to minimizing the manifestations of addictive behavior among personnel do not take into account all the features of their development and consequences in a combat situation, make it impossible to carry out effective preventive work and measures of psychological support of service and combat activities of military personnel.
Modern psychological and psychophysiological methods of identifying military personnel prone to addictive behavior require unification, taking into account the various categories of military personnel and the characteristics of their military service.
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