
  • A. V. Kharytonova
  • S. V. Bielai




psychological adaptation, higher military educational institution, first year students, life experience, psychological readiness, military service, extreme conditions.


The article deals with the identification of peculiarities of psychological adaptation of cadets of higher military educational institutions.

The purpose of the study is to comprehensively disclose the essence and peculiarities of the psychological adaptation of cadets with different life experience in the higher educational institutions and develop scientifically substantiated proposals for improving the process of psychological adaptation.

A survey of the first year cadets at a higher military educational institution was conducted. The methodology of psychological readiness of a person specialist of an extreme type of activity and research of adaptability of students in higher educational institutions has been used. According to the results of the study, the problem issues concerning the adaptation of the students with different life experience to study at a higher military educational institution were identified.

The results of the research on determining the levels of psychological adaptability of students of the first year of study with different life experience (the "Adaptation of Students in Higher Educational Institutions" method) indicate that higher education graduates who had experience in military service training and graduates of secondary schools have almost identical opportunities for Adaptation Scales to the Learning Group and Adaptation to Educational Activities.

The results of determining the levels of motivation of duty, professional endurance, mutual help and trust, professional competence, volitional effort (the method "Psychological readiness of the person of a specialist of an extreme type of activity") prove that higher education graduates who had experience in military service training and graduates from general educational schools have almost the same opportunities on the scale of mutual assistance and trust and professional competence. On the scale of motivation, the higher education graduates who had experience in military service had a slight advantage in their ability to graduate schools of general education. On the scale, professional endurance and volitional efforts of higher education graduates who had experience in military service had more opportunities than graduates of secondary schools.

Thus, it is possible to note that in the composition of the entrants of higher military educational institutions can be enrolled both military personnel and graduates of secondary schools. However, regular servicemen and contracted military personnel have a higher life experience, so they can use more effectively the internal resources of the body and personality to perform the tasks in stressful conditions effectively, which are based on endurance. In addition, such qualities as self-mobilization, the transfer of the elaborated action plan into real action, which is based on volitional effort, is also more developed in them. Therefore, the educational process at the higher military educational institution is appropriate to adjust to the development of former graduates of secondary schools of professional endurance and volitional efforts.

Directions of further scientific research will be directed on determination of psychological features of cadets with different life experience.


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