
  • O. V. Alboschiy
  • S. O. Kaplun
  • S. O. Pavlenko



logistics, logistic support, risk, risk-orientated management


The article is devoted to the problems of research of possibilities of improvement of the system of logistics of the National Guard, as a military state unit, by application of the risk-orientated approach to the management of the logistic support processes and to development of methodical bases of such government in the conditions of operating of out-of-control factors on the logistic processes in relation to the system of logistic environment. In modern terms there is a permanent tendency to the increase of influence of external factors (indignations) on the processes of the logistic support of troops (forces). It is conditioned not only by military aspects (by active actions from the side of opponent) but also by more general processes, that take place in the economy of country and, on the whole, in international economy. Crisis phenomena, inflationary processes, instability of contractual relations, displays of corruption actions, natural and technogenic confusions and others that lead to the actual results of the logistic support deviate from planned expectations, that, in turn, reduces possibilities and generates the dangers of failure of missions on purpose of military units or their structural subdivisions in interests of which logistic operations are performed.

Taking into account the experience and theoretical bases of activity in those spheres that are traditionally related to the high level of the danger, in the article expediency of application of the risk-orientated approach to the management of the logistic support of the military units is shown. Realization of such approach will allow to improve quality and firmness of the logistic system. But for this purpose the methodology of grounding of administrative decisions taking into account the risk actions must be worked out. In the article methodical bases that can be fixed in basis of development of such methodology are offerred. It is thus suggested to use, so-called, "Five- step system" that found wide application in international practice at the evaluation of occupational risks in different industries.


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