
  • I. M. Volkov
  • V. I. Perepadia



National Guard of Ukraine, military personnel, legal protection, legal status, rights, duties, responsibility


The analysis of the structure, tasks and functions of the National Guard of Ukraine (NGU), as defined by law, makes it possible to understand that one of the components of its main activity is performing law enforcement functions associated with the risk to the life and health of the personnel. The rapid events led to creation of a military formation of the state that would combine both capabilities of the security sector component as well as of the defense sector of the country, leading to forces optimization and modernization of the NGU facilities. Such actions are aimed, first of all, at enhancing the capacity of NGU to response to external aggression timely and efficiently and prevent (stop) delinquency inside the state. Changing the nature and intensity of service and combat missions definitely leads to a change in the nature of possible threats to the personnel performing them. The issue of legal protection of NGU servicemen during military service is highly relevant. In the process of transformation of the National Guard of Ukraine, changes and improvements and certain aspects of the legal protection of its military personnel are subjects to change. Therefore, the study of this issue is the basis for the proper use of forms, techniques and methods of protection.

The article analyzes the scientific approaches to the definition of the concept of "legal protection" in the logical connection with performing previewed by law service activities by the servicemen of the National Guard of Ukraine. Examples of regulatory and legal control by the state of the scope of activities of the National Guard of Ukraine as a military formation with law enforcement functions affecting the practical aspects of the legal protection of such activities are given. A partial consideration of the legal servicemen status of the National Guard of Ukraine, in the context of providing the legal protection for this category of people by the state, has been held.


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