administrative-legal principles, law enforcement forces, service and combat activity, state regulationAbstract
The issues of the study of the administrative and legal foundations of state regulation of service and combat activity of the law enforcement forces have been updated.The purpose of the article is to study the basic administrative and legal principles of state regulation of the service and combat activity of law enforcement forces to determine the appropriate ways of improvement.It is established that the theory of service and combat activity of the law enforcement forces in Ukraine is a fairly young science, so its fundamental categories have not been sufficiently worked out. At present, the research of the study of the administrative and legal principles of the state regulation of the service and combat activity of the law enforcement forces is conducted incompletely. This situation is complicated significantly by the development of the theory of service and combat activity of the law enforcement forces and the correct understanding of the current normative legal documents, negatively affecting the performance of service and combat missions.It is determined that the basis of the administrative-legal regulation of the service and combat activity of the law enforcement forces is the laws and sub-legal acts. Sub-legal acts are supplemented by laws that promptly eliminate shortcomings in legislation. Administrative-legal regulation of service and combat activity of the law enforcement forces is realized through the mechanisms of law. In the modern society, the mechanisms of state governance play a major role in state policy regarding state regulation of the components of the security and defense sector.The analysis of the methodological principles of functioning and development of the mechanisms of state administration in modern society has determined that it is possible to distinguish two groups of definitions of the notion of the mechanism of state administration (broad and narrow interpretation). A broad interpretation of the mechanism of public administration is a complex system of state bodies organized for the fulfillment of the tasks of state administration. Narrow interpretation of the mechanism of public administration notes that the mechanisms of state administration is a set of certain components that are intended to perform management decisions.The definition of the legal mechanism of state regulation of service and combat activity of the law enforcement forces is a set of legal measures, means, levers, incentives through which the state authorities influence the military-fighting activities of the law enforcement forces in order to reduce the level of threats to national security.The directions of further scientific research will be directed to the study of the administrative and legal support of the service and combat activity of the National Guard of Ukraine.References
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