image, internal image, survey, image formation, concept, strategic communication, reformAbstract
This article identifies the specificity of the internal image of the National Guard of Ukraine based on the conducted empirical study – survey of the military personnel by means of an on-line questionnaire with regard to the essence and components of the internal image of this security agency. The internal image of the National Guard of Ukraine is positive, characterized by the absence of a conflict between the personality’s values and those of the structure; the interest of the servicemen in the information regarding the National Guard of Ukraine in mass-media and social networks; sound relations of the servicemen with their nearest commanders; and the minimal support they hold for the reforms carried out by the leadership of the National Guard of Ukraine. Female servicemen are more satisfied with the service and consider it prestigious. Contracted servicemen and young officers require special attention of the Leadership of the National Guard of Ukraine, since there are many servicemen in these categories who are not satisfied with the service and do not plan to sign the next contract.
The obtained results of the survey indicate the relevance of purposeful work in the field of strategic communication of the National Guard of Ukraine, which requires that professionals select and present facts / messages, using all the possibilities of modern information channels in all communication domains: the public, mass media, authorities, other security agencies, foreign partners, personnel of the National Guard of Ukraine.
It is proven necessary to conduct purposeful strategic communication activity on positive image formation, both external and internal, which should be stated by the Concept of strategic communication of the National Guard of Ukraine.References
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