public administration, national security of Ukraine, threats to socio-political stability, levels of state response, levels of threats to socio-political stabilityAbstract
Crises in socio-political stability require complex mechanisms of state response, namely the participation of various state agencies, government insitutions, organizations, as well as involvement of the private sector in ensuring the security of the population, society and the state. In-depth studies of public administration thought on the state response to threats to socio-political stability not only make it possible to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of management activities in crisis situations, but also allow determining the optimal measures to address these threats.
The purpose of the article is to investigate the nature of the levels of state response to threats to socio-political stability and substantiate the appropriate ways of improvement under the current conditions.
An analysis of legal acts in the field of state response to crisis events indicates that there is currently a well-established regulatory framework for emergency response. However, recent strategic and conceptual regulations introduce a new concept – a crisis. It has been established that unlawful acts of anti-constitutional orientation should be attributed to crisis situations that threaten the socio-political stability. A special category is the mass unrest. In addition the potential threat to socio-political stability is posed by various mass events that have a resonant component. One of the causes of crisis is also the emergence of social conflict.
State response to threats to socio-political stability according to the scale of threats is implemented at the levels of public administration. According to these levels, the modes of functioning of public administration are changing. Taking into account the nature of crisis situations of socio-political origin and levels of state response, it can be noted that mechanisms of state response are implemented in the field of counteracting threats to the state (ensuring national security), society (ensuring public security), human and citizen (protecting public order).
Based on the analysis of the essence of crisis situations of socio-political origin, appropriate forms of state response to these threats, the ways of improving state response to threats to socio-political stability at the appropriate levels are substantiated. In accordance with the higher, central and territorial levels of public administration, the components of the security sector perform the tasks of ensuring state and public security and public order. The peculiarity of the submitted proposals is the actualization of the activities of public organizations and associations of citizens in the system of national security for crisis response.
The directions of further scientific researches will be directed to refinement of the structural scheme of the levels of state response to threats of socio-political stability based on the conditions of the present.
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