
  • S. O. Pavlenko
  • O. V. Alboschiy
  • L. F. Tovma
  • A. O. Frolov
  • Ye. S. Shevchenko



material supply, food supply, methodology, factors, National Guard of Ukraine


The role and significance of material support of units and subunits of the National Guard of Ukraine under the modern conditions are constantly increasing, and the tasks of the food service become more and more complicated. The performance of military and combat missions, their combat and mobilization readiness depends to a large extent on the full and timely provision of the NGU units by food. The process of food supply is complex, which is determined by the influence of many factors that have different effects on the final result. There is a need to determine the main priorities of food supply and develop a mechanism for ranking factors that affect the organization of food supply of units of the NGU during actions to maintain the legal regime of emergency state.

Using the priori ranking method the most influential factors can be identified and factors that have insignificant influence can be neglected. If the distribution of degree of influence of factors is uniform and monotonously decreases, this means that in the subsequent process of organization of  food supply, it is necessary to consider all factors. In the case of a rapid exponential decrease in the degree of influence of factors, the proportion of factors may not be taken into account (excluded) in the subsequent process of organizing food supply. For this purpose, the expert estimation method determines the threshold at which all factors which have an influence value less than the set threshold are not taken into account. Or, the specified threshold will divide the factors into two groups: the basic ones that need to be used when preparing the decision, and the additional, which will increase the validity of the decision.

Also, the article provides a mechanism that allows determining the factors influencing the organization of food provision of actions to maintain the legal regime in the state of emergency, the significance of factors using the priori ranking method has been estimated and an approach to the determination of the most significant factors has been offered.

The advantages (the comparative simplicity of organization of the procedure and promptness of results obtaining) and disadvantages (the dependence of results on the quality of expertise organization and expert selection) have been formulated.

The direction of the further research has been determined as the identification of the nature of the impact of each factor on the ability of quality and full-fledged food provision of maintaining of the legal state of emergency.


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