National Guard of Ukraine, support to the troops (forces), linguistic support, strategic communications, higher education candidateAbstract
The features of the linguistic support to the troops (forces) have been highlighted with regard to the specificity of the communicative support to the activity of the National Guard of Ukraine within the framework of international cooperation.
Strategic communications correlate with the linguistic support to the troops, but they cannot be fully attributed to this area of support since they are not limited to the communicative component. The link between the linguistic support and the strategic communications has been defined in terms of the cross-cultural function realization. Within the strategic communications this function is carried out through media relations (domestic and foreign), social media, public diplomacy and military support for public diplomacy, international military cooperation etc. The strategic communications is as an independent branch of military activity of the support to the troops (forces) aimed at maintaining high level of troops (forces)’ combat readiness, successful accomplishment of assigned tasks, as well as prevention of all kinds of threats including those of the information character.
The object of linguistic support and strategic communications of the National Guard of Ukraine includes measures, tasks, procedures and processes in the activity of this military formation that require military-professional level of the servicemen philological, in particular intercultural bilingual competence as well as measures aimed at coordinated and proper use of communicative capabilities within the international military cooperation, strategic communications of the National guard of Ukraine and its positive image formation both in Ukraine and abroad.
Thus, the Bachelor’s and Master’s Curricula “Linguistic Support and Strategic Communications” launched at the National Academy of the National Guard of Ukraine in 2018 presuppose that cadets study two foreign languages to enable professional cross-cultural communication, the essence and concepts of strategic communications, the specificity of strategic communications in the interpersonal and public sphere, the features of effective cross-cultural communication, strategic communications as a means of communication with the public, principles of communication with media representatives, mass media strategies.
The necessity has been emphasized of developing the concept and the policy(ies) of linguistic support and strategic communications of the National Guard of Ukraine.
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