
  • S. M. Osipenko
  • O. G. Bondarenko
  • V. P. Vasylenko
  • A. V. Zozulia



logistical support, result of logistical support, expenditures of resources for logistical support, task of determination of rational expenditures of resources, step-by-step calculation method, schedule of rational expenditures of resources


On the basis of the analysis of the provisions of the governing documents on the concept, content, principles of logistical support for the activities of military formation, the need to develop methodological recommendations aimed at obtaining the expected result of the functioning of the logistics system for the minimum cost of resources, that is, solving the problem of determining the rational cost of resources for the implementation of logistics.

The initial conditions, the content and mathematical model of the problem of determining the rational expenditure of resources are formulated, and the algorithm of its solution is developed based on the use of the step-by-step method.

Indicators are proposed to evaluate the outcome of logistical support by applying an expert-analytical approach, which includes the justification of the scoring scale of the results of individual actions within the types of security and the criteria that they must meet, as well as the procedure for summarizing them to obtain an overall score of each type of security and logistics in general.

The order of formation of dependence between the points of the rating scale and the necessary expenses for their maintenance is considered. For this purpose, on the basis of the formed evaluation criteria for each score by means of meaningful analysis, the list of necessary actions and, accordingly, the necessary resources for their fulfillment in cost dimension is determined.

The procedure for determining the rational costs of logistical support is developed by using the step-by-step method, according to which within the limits of certain restrictions on the required results of logistical support and allocated resources, the maximum value of the logistical result is formulated sequentially by the next value in cost dimension (next step) overall, and the appropriate resource costs.

Formed a graph of the relationship between the magnitudes of the results of logistics and costs, analyzes the possibility of its use.


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