National Guard of Ukraine, motivation, ranking, expert appraisal, military service, extreme conditionsAbstract
The article presents the results of determining the key motives of the military personnel of the National Guard of Ukraine for military service under extreme conditions.
The key motives of military personnel for execution of service-combat tasks under extreme conditions are considered.
Foreign researchers distinguish two main types of motivation for joining military service - institutional and pragmatic, and consider motivation as an indispensable condition for successful combat activity. Motivation of servicemen is a complex system in which organically pragmatic and institutional approaches are combined. The pragmatic component allows meeting the basic amount of organic needs of servicemen and intensifying the needs of higher levels under the conditions of military-professional activities, that is, realizing the institutional component. An increase in the institutional motivation of servicemen under modern conditions is possible only if it is properly pragmatically reinforced. Motivation of military-professional activity is a special type of processes regulating the military activity of servicemen. Motivation of servicemen for execution of service-combat tasks under extreme conditions is a complex hierarchical system of mental entities of an individual, which activates under extreme conditions, creates the corresponding states of the psyche of a serviceman, stimulates and regulates his behavior and activity.
Using the methods of expert appraisal, the motives of the military personnel of the National Guard of Ukraine for military service under extreme conditions were ranked. The significance of these motives was assessed.
The key motives according to the motivation of the servicemen of the National Guard of Ukraine are the 20 motives – 10 pragmatic and 10 institutional motives. The direction of further work is to develop indicators and criteria for evaluation of motivation of NGU servicemen for execution of service-combat tasks under extreme conditions.
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