
  • S. Manzhura



integral indicator, object of comparison, assessment scale, minimum cost, selection method


The choice from the whole variety of existing samples of protective armor elements that are used to create effective means of protection is a difficult task due to the large number of tactical and technical requirements that contradict each other. The lack of systematic recommendations on the comprehensive selection of samples of armored elements and ensuring their quality does not allow us to solve this problem in full. In the selection process, a significant place is taken by the subjective approach to solving this problem.

The article proposes a method for solving the problem of choosing protective elements using an integral indicator of its properties and the criterion of minimum cost. This method includes: developing an information model of the subject area; development of an information model of an object in the form of a vector of properties (features); definition of standardized scales used to measure these properties (features); the formation of many measurement results; express processing of measurement results by calculating the integral indicator of its properties, which covers such properties as arm injury, weight, ultimate bullet load and thickness.

The developed method for choosing armored elements consists of two stages. At the first stage of selection, all samples that do not meet the criteria for not breaking are discarded. The second stage is the selection according to the minimum-cost criterion from a ranked list of samples, which is built using an integrated indicator of the properties of an armor element.

It was established that for comparing various data comprehensively characterizing the object of comparison, it is necessary to develop a universal assessment scale. An improved four-point scale was used in this study.

The advantage of this method can be considered a unified methodological approach to solving the problems of choosing protective elements; the possibility of using both quantitative and qualitative scales for evaluating the features of comparison objects defined in the model of an object; the ability to measure attribute values in points of an improved four-point scale of order, acceptable for further processing in order to build ranked lists; ease of implementation of the proposed method.


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