
  • V. Dyptan
  • O. Tykhonenko
  • S. Pavlenko
  • A. Savin



material support system, structural and functional model, logistic approach, material (information, financial) flows


The article analyzes the functioning of the system of material support of troops from the standpoint of logistics. Considering the model of the material security system as a complex system that implements a number of cybernetic management principles (feedback, conversion of input flows, etc.) of material and related flows, it is taken into account that the real existing material security system in practice functions as an organizationally completed economic structure. Object and process management can be built on the principles of logistics systems management, one of which is adaptability of management, which involves changing the program, parameters or structure of the system under the influence of internal factors, external factors, as well as the presence of feedback. In this context, the material security system is defined as a complex, organizationally completed (structured) economic system consisting of interdependent in a single process of managing material (financial, information) flows of the element-units, the totality of which, the boundaries and the tasks of functioning are united by the internal purpose of the organization. as well as its external purpose.

Attention is paid to the issues of managing the logistics process. It is determined that the system of material support implements the cybernetic principle of control - the “watching” system. According to which the management subsystem continuously monitors the input parameters of material (information, financial) flows, comparing them with a predetermined setting, determined by the objective function and imposed on the management constraints, with the output parameters.

The necessity of building a rational system of logistical support for the military organization of the state in accordance with the established requirements and the need for further scientific research on improving the efficiency of the functioning of the mentioned system with the use of a logistical approach.


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