
  • R. Honchar
  • V. Yevsieiev
  • A. Pavlenko




sabotage, object security and defense systems, sabotage groups, anti-sabotage security


At present, there is an alarming and threatening trend of large-scale explosions at ammunition depots of the Armed Forces (AF) of Ukraine. The analysis of emergency situations at military ammunition depots shows the vulnerability of the existing system of protection and defense of these facilities. The ways of carrying out sabotage on military installations are: the use of reconnaissance weapons, explosions, arsons, cyber attacks, the use of chemical, bacteriological weapons, provoked technogenic accidents, etc. The peculiarity of their organization and carrying out is a high level of technological training and specialty of performers. The concept of the use of Special Operations Forces (SOF) by the leading countries of the world envisages sabotage on enemy objects. The most prepared ones are diversions that are disguised as man-made disasters, caused by natural phenomena, software failures, etc. Thus, in carrying out the intentions of organizing diversions at the arsenals, bases and depots of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, we will counteract the well-prepared enemy.

A comprehensive approach to ensure the protection of arsenals, bases and depots of the Armed Forces of Ukraine against sabotage threats is to take them under the protection of units and subunits of the National Guard of Ukraine, improve the system of protection and defense of objects according NATO standards and apply tactics of anti-sabotage combat in areas of location of facilities. Taking into account the experience of local wars and armed conflicts of today, the most effective way of counteracting the tactics of sabotage units is the same tactics of special-purpose anti-sabotage forces. Thus, the involvement of special forces and intelligence units of the NSU in counteracting the sabotage threats of the arsenals, bases and ammutition depots of the Armed Forces of Ukraine significantly negates the advantages of the most trained enemy sabotage and reconnaissance groups. Under the conditions of economic crisis, formation and reformation of the components of the security and defense sector, the transfer of arsenals, bases and depots of the Armed Forces of Ukraine under the protection of units and subunits of the National Guard of Ukraine is justified.


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