medical and biological emergency, an infectious disease, an epidemic, an epizooty, the military formation, law enforcement agency, the National Guard of UkraineAbstract
The article states that, according to the existing classification of emergencies, outbreaks of dangerous (very dangerous) infectious diseases of humans and animals, epidemics (pandemics) and epizootics (panzootia) are groups of emergencies within the subclass of medical and biological emergencies, which meanwhile belong to the type (class) of natural emergencies. It is noted that it is the medical and biological emergencies that are the most widespread among all subclasses of natural emergencies occurring on the territory of Ukraine during 2012-2019, and the mentioned subclass of emergencies poses the greatest danger to the life and health of the population of Ukraine. This work states that according to the estimation of domestic and foreign experts, the current state of the sanitary-epidemic situation on the territory of Ukraine remains unstable, and the state of the epizootic situation is stable and controlled with a rapid increase in the incidence of animals for certain dangerous infectious diseases. It is emphasized that the level of readiness of Ukraine to respond to the occurrence of large-scale medical and biological emergencies, including availability and completeness of the developed plans for liquidation of aftermath of mentioned emergencies is estimated to be low. It is emphasized that experts predict further deterioration of the sanitary-epidemic and epizootic situation in Ukraine. The urgency of the chosen direction of research is grounded in the need for further development of theoretical provisions regarding the participation of the National Guard of Ukraine in the liquidation of aftermath of large-scale outbreaks of dangerous (very dangerous) infectious diseases of humans and animals, epidemics (pandemics) and epizootic diseases. Recent study of research works and publications on the topic of the research has been analyzed. The results of the analysis of the use of military and law enforcement agencies of foreign countries in the liquidation of aftermath of the above mentioned groups of biological and medical emergencies have been highlighted, in particular in the elimination of the effects of foot-and-mouth disease in the United Kingdom in 2001, outbreaks of African swine fever in Vietnam and Bulgaria in 2019, an atypical pneumonia epidemic in China in 2003, an Ebola epidemic in several West African countries in 2014, a COVID-19 coronavirus epidemic in China in 2020, and others. It is determined that the National Guard of Ukraine, in addition to the tasks set by the existing legal acts, under the above mentioned circumstances, may be involved in the implementation of specific (additional) tasks. It is emphasized that the fulfillment of additional tasks may provoke the inclusion of a certain units for dealing with biological and medical emergencies, additional structural and functional elements to the regular formations of the National Guard of Ukraine, which meanwhile may lead to increase in total manpower of mentioned formations.
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