artillery, modern information technology, automated system, information complex, fire controlAbstract
In modern conditions, the role of artillery in the overall fire destruction of the enemy is constantly increasing. The purpose of artillery fire control is to maximize the use of the fire capabilities of subordinate artillery in specific conditions of the situation to inflict maximum losses to the enemy, at a given time and at minimal cost. The article analyzes the use of automated fire control systems of world military units. A method for increasing the efficiency of artillery subunit fire damage by combining the existing fire control software products and integrating their information into a single information complex is proposed. It is proposed to use such software programs as the computer troop command and control system “Delta”, the interactive combat system “Combat”, and the artillery fire control system “Nettle” as components of the information complex.
The characteristic features of the functional purpose of each software product and their contribution and place in the proposed information system, which was created with the aim of increasing the effectiveness of enemy fire damage by artillery units, are shown.
The above approach will allow on average: reducing the cost of artillery ammunition for missile destruction tasks by 10 %; increasing the reliability of information about enemy troops by 4-5 times; reducing the time for information transfer and fire destruction of the enemy by 5-6 times. Combining the proposed computer products into a single information complex will significantly increase the ability to collect and display information both at the workstations of control centers, and on tablets and other mobile gadgets. Commanders and soldiers will receive clear and accurate information about the tactical situation within a radius of dozens of kilometers.
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