
  • O. Kolesnichenko
  • O. Kuruch



suicidal behavior, military personnel, psychological characteristics of a person, diagnostics, methods


The article discusses the most common psychodiagnostic methods for identifying people are more likely to have suicidal behavior. Existing psychodiagnostic apparatus for diagnostics and possible correction of servicemen prone to suicidal behavior in different countries of the world are described. The basic personality and character traits of a person are revealed by signs of suicidal behavior, the main tasks of organization and conducting of psychodiagnostics in different countries of the world are defined. As a result of the study of scientific sources, it was found that the problem of diagnosing the propensity for suicidal behavior among military units in different countries of the world is not as wide-spread as that of civilians, but is introduced only in some leading countries of the world.

The theoretical studies which were conducted have allowed to define the concept of “suicidal behavior of the personality of the serviceman of the National Guard of Ukraine” as an act of immoral activity, the purpose of which is the termination of one’s life, characterized by a conscious, volitional (controlled, desirable) character, manifested as an outcome of complex social) psycho-traumatic factors and personality traits of a soldier of such activity and entails his own death.

It is proved that most of the existing techniques are not adapted to the specifics of the military organization. They do not take into account the social and environmental factors of suicidal risk, directly related to the specifics of military service, where military personnel are often unable to overcome the extreme conditions of military life on their own. They contain direct questions about the presence of suicidal thoughts and experiences and are therefore not recommended for widespread use, so as not to make ordinary people commit suicidal acts.

It is described that psychodiagnostic methods for detection and diagnostics of suicidal risk evaluate only the psychological side of the individual. From the same standpoint, criteria and indicators of motives for suicidal behavior and factors of its occurrence, as well as preventive measures, are being developed. However, the diagnosis of suicidal risk involves taking into account the multifactoriality of suicide, conducting activities not only to identify psychological but also social and environmental factors.


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