
  • O. Alboschiy
  • S. Pavlenko
  • Yа. Pavlov
  • S. Pisarevsky




security, warehouse, storage of material assets, level of fire safety, fire risks, risk-oriented management


The article is devoted to exploring the possibilities of ensuring the security of material storage at military depots by introducing risk-oriented fire safety management, developing the basics of the mechanism of fire risk management of material storage facilities for military needs.

Analysis of statistics shows that nowadays there is a general tendency to increase the number of fires and direct material damage from them.  Considering the fact that storage facilities are characterized by a large number of dangerous factors that can cause a fire, the problem of increasing the level of fire safety of warehouses and ensuring the reliability of storage of material resources on them in the current conditions arises.  At the same time, it is established that the existing requirements of fire safety for the respective objects by officials and personnel are mainly fulfilled.  This situation indicates the need to improve the mechanisms of fire safety management of the warehouse.

Based on the analysis of scientific publications and the results of the author's research, it has been found that the possibilities of increasing the level of fire safety of military depots are related to the introduction of risk-oriented fire safety management.  For this purpose, it is necessary to develop a mechanism for managing fire risks of the warehouse management of the military unit.  This article presents the basic basics of the fire risk management mechanism for military material storage facilities, defines the procedure and their main elements. It is stated that the effectiveness of management decisions and actions aimed at eliminating, reducing or at least localizing fire risks and, accordingly, the results of work, has a key influence on the working expert group, which should be established in a specific military unit for risk analysis and card preparation fire risks. The latter allows documenting the existing risks and their levels, showing the conditions of occurrence of a fire, the factors influencing the level of fire risks, actions to eliminate these factors.


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