
  • A. Kovtun
  • S. Kudimov
  • V. Savchenko
  • P. Stepanov




efficiency of technical intelligence activities, efficiency index, armored vehicles, armament and military equipment, technical intelligence team, technical intelligence


The relevance of determining the indicator of the efficiency of the use of armored vehicles in carrying out technical intelligence activities is substantiated in the work. In order to successfully complete the tasks assigned to the parts and units of the National Guard of Ukraine, it is necessary to maximize the use of automotive technology through rational planning of the use of machines, systematization of accounting and evaluation of transport work performed. Special indicators are used to account for and evaluate the operation of automotive technology, which represent the numerical expression of the meters or their relationship.

Nowadays, the following indicators are used to evaluate the effectiveness of automotive technology:

 coefficient of technical readiness;

 сar fleet utilization rate;

 transport efficiency coefficient;

 capacity utilization factor;

 loaded mileage proportion.

However, the existing indicators do not allow us to generalize the level of efficiency of the use of armored vehicles for technical intelligence and determine the required level of efficiency of the use of promising technical intelligence machines.

To compare the effectiveness of armored vehicles in order to perform technical intelligence tasks, it is proposed to use the technical intelligence efficiency factor.

The technique of estimation of efficiency of carrying out of measures of technical reconnaissance, which allows, with the help of the given mathematical dependencies, to determine the value of the index of efficiency of carrying out of technical reconnaissance by personnel on armored cars of different types is presented in the work.

The calculations of the effectiveness of technical intelligence activities, which allows, using the above mathematical dependencies, determining the value of the efficiency of technical intelligence calculations on armored vehicles: KrAZ “Spartan”, KrAZ “Coguar”, “Bars-8”.


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