armament and military equipment, survivability, combat capability, strength, stability, secrecy, dynamism (mobility, manoeuvring), resilience, combat characteristicsAbstract
In the article the concept of survivability as a component of combat capability of military equipment is considered. In the conditions of conducting combat operations, increase of survivability of fighting vehicles provides success of performance of the assigned tasks. The essence and content of the category “survivabilityˮ are defined as a complex concept which includes reliability, durability, stability, secrecy, dynamism and recoverability. Its place in the general system of categories of military art is estimated, the analysis of indicators of survivability of automobile and armored vehicles is carried out.
An analysis of recent research and publications has been conducted and the theory of the effectiveness of weapons and military equipment, operation of armored vehicles, the basics of the theory of reliability of armored vehicles, probability theory and mathematical statistics as a scientific basis for assessing the level of survivability of armored vehicles have been determined.
The main attributes of survivability and its main properties are defined. Conditions of combat use of automobile and armored vehicles are random and have probabilistic characteristics of road conditions, speed and mode of movement, enemy counteraction, etc. Taking into account the considered properties it is offered to estimate survivability of cars by a complex indicator - the generalized coefficient of survivability of automobile and armored vehicles. The obtained dependence, which allows assessing the level of survivability of the armored vehicles of the military unit, as a component of the combat capability of vehicles and determined the essence and content of the category “survivability of automotive and armored vehiclesˮ, its place and role among other categories of military art, a common understanding has been adopted in these issues, which are in the interests of both the further development of military science and the solution of practical problems facing troops.References
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