
  • E. Poltavskiy
  • K. Sporyshev
  • V. Topchyi



road safety, automobile and armored vehicles, operational safety


Basing on the analysis of safety problems on automobile and armored vehicles of the National Guard of Ukraine, the existing legal framework and ways to ensure road safety, one of the main factors influencing road safety at NGU is the technical state of vehicles. In the existing legal framework, the issues of technical inspection and diagnostics in the context of road safety are not fully disclosed.

The existing logistics (equipment) does not fully allow performing technological influences during the technical inspection and diagnosis of samples of armored vehicles. Factors that affect the safe operation of armored vehicles and depend on the activities of officials of technical units of military units and formations of the NGU can be classified as engineering and technical and command and organizational.

Command and organizational factors include a number of measures for the training of personnel in special, technical training, various briefings on road safety and they are aimed at eliminating the impact of the human factor on accidents. Engineering and technical factors include a number of measures to maintain components, mechanisms of armored vehicles in good condition.

As a result of the road safety analysis conducted in the article, the main ways to ensure the safety of operation of armored vehicles in the units and formations of the NGU were formed.

Regulatory and legal support: obtaining the results of state reform of law enforcement agencies. Establishment of the military police with the provision of appropriate functions of traffic organization, detection and termination of offenses in the field of road safety and pre-trial investigation.

Public administration: together with the permanent commissions on road safety at the District Executive Committees to conduct a comprehensive survey of departures from military units (parks) for compliance with project documents and the requirements of the current number of armored vehicles and personnel.

Organizational methods: further improvement of the system of training (retraining) and professional training of drivers: making changes to the curricula for training of people hired under the contract, conducting mandatory periodic exams to check knowledge of traffic rules. Increasing the role of junior commanders, sergeants of all levels in the training and control of personnel and equipment.


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