
  • Yu. Maevskiy



national security, agrarian policy, state policy, agriculture, agrarian sphere of economy, food security


The scientific article is devoted to a comprehensive analysis of national security through the prism of the agrarian policy of Ukraine. The author determined that among the fundamental areas of ensuring and implementing national security and politics, the improvement of the quality of life and living standards of the Ukrainian population as a key national interest, which can be ensured through the achievement of full food and agrarian independence of the country, occupies a prominent place. Under these conditions, it is advisable to provide rationalization ideas and concepts related to ensuring the proper level of development and functioning of agrarian policy among the priority functions of public administration.

It proved that agrarian policy through the lens of ensuring and realizing national security should focus as much as possible on the agrarian sphere of the economy and achieving the fundamental goal of achieving the food independence of the country, which can be obtained as a result of the transformation of agriculture into a highly technological, innovative development industry. Among other strategic and important areas is an increase in the intensity of development of the most economically favorable regions and territories as basic indicators of the development of the agrarian sphere of the economy and ensuring the national security of Ukraine. Agrarian policy should help to choose the most optimal territorial and sectoral distribution of labor in agro-industrial production, which ensures the formation and development of the most favorable zones and territories for the agaric aspects of the economy and the state. Moreover, the solution of these problems remains one of the most important areas of implementation of any state agrarian policy.

It emphasized that national agrarian policies should be characterized by comprehensive content, economic soundness, rationalization of natural resources and a stable legislative framework. At the same time, the dynamic development of the agrarian sphere requires a close relationship between State social, economic and agrarian policies as its most important components, since the former creates the conditions for the development of the agrarian sphere, and the latter, in turn, ensures the achievement of the main macroeconomic indicators of development of the state, including ensuring its food independence.


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