
  • V. Dyptan
  • O. Tykhonenko
  • S. Pavlenko



materiel, logistic support, material support, logistic support subunits, aviation units (subdivisions), supply channel


During conduct of combat operations by aviation units, one of the main types of logistics is material support. Stocks of various types of material resources are created and maintained at a certain level for uninterrupted supply of aviation units. The specific size and volume depend on the nature of future hostilities, composition and tasks, base conditions, combat voltage and other factors.

Attention is paid to the issues of logistics management. It is determined that a number of management principles are implemented in the logistics system, according to which the management subsystem continuously monitors the input parameters of material (information, financial) flows, comparing them with the set, determined by the objective function and restrictions imposed on management, output parameters.

According to the experience of the anti-terrorist operation in the eastern Ukraine and the results of actions conducted in recent years, we can conclude that the main problems of logistics now are: first, the number of forces and means of logistics does not allow quality and timely material provision aviation units; secondly, the resource of material resources, which is allocated for the preparation and conduct operation in most cases is limited and therefore there is a need for its redistribution between units, taking into account the shortage of material resources and the importance of tasks they solve.

Therefore, there is a need to determine rational composition of logistics units of aviation units, which would be able to perform the assigned tasks with maximum efficiency.

The article presents a method for assessing the effectiveness of material support of aviation units, which allows determining the capabilities of logistics units for quality and timely provision material resources, taking into account their staffing and the dynamics of hostilities.


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