
  • M. Yermoshyn
  • T. Sutyushev



types, forms and methods of service and combat activities and actions of the guard, operational actions, special operation, service and combat actions, combat


The article considers the main types, forms and methods of service and combat activities and actions of the National Guard of Ukraine at the strategic level, during the national service, state of emergency and martial law.

According to the authors, the main types of combat activities and actions of the guard, which differ in purpose, tasks, space and time, methods of performing tasks, are as follows: protection of public order and public safety during mass events; protection of important state facilities and special cargoes, nuclear facilities and other dangerous facilities; security, escorting defendants sentenced to imprisonment, extradition; protection of diplomatic missions and consular posts of foreign states in Ukraine;protection of public order and ensuring public safety in the event of emergencies of man-made and natural nature; the struggle to suppress the activities of illegal armed groups and other groups; defense; offensive; territorial defense; anti-aircraft missile and artillery cover of military facilities; participation in air defense, electronic and information warfare.

The main forms are: special operation; service-combat (operational) actions of the guard and law enforcement forces; stabilization (special, raid, combat, isolation, search and rescue) actions; patrol, convoy, regime quarantine, regime commandant, guard service; participation in the operation (battle) of a group of troops (forces) of the Armed Forces of Ukraine; combat.

In practice, the approach to determine the main methods of operational (combat) actions of the guard can be implemented during exercises and during combat training in order to justify the simultaneous or sequential implementation of operational (combat) tasks of the guard to assign, concentrate or disperse the guards, specialized detachments, groups, etc.


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