National Guard of Ukraine, service and combat activities of the National Guard of Ukraine, administrative legislation, system of administrative legislation regulating the service and combat activities of the National Guard of UkraineAbstract
The article defines that the service and combat activity of the National Guard of Ukraine is a set of coordinated and interrelated preventive, security, protective, isolation and restrictive measures (actions) of bodies, divisions, units and individual officials, carried out in order to ensure the fulfillment of tasks that face it in peacetime and in times of war, as well as crisis situations that threaten national security.
It is concluded that over the years of independence of Ukraine, quite a lot of normative legal acts have been adopted in the field of administrative and legal regulation of the activities of the National Guard of Ukraine. A system of administrative legislation has been formed to regulate the service and combat activities of the National Guard of Ukraine.
The structure of the system of administrative legislation regulating the service and combat activities of the National Guard of Ukraine is analyzed. Further studies of the system of administrative and legal regulation of the service and combat activities of the National Guard of Ukraine are proposed to be directed at substantiating the forms and methods of public administration of certain areas of activity and functions of the National Guard of Ukraine in the general course of reforming the security and defense sector of Ukraine.
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