
  • N. Yurieva



serviceman, service-combat activity, motivation, psychological features, the National Guard of Ukraine


The article presents the systematization of conceptual definitions that are used by researchers to describe motivational phenomena. There are two directions of defining motivation: motivation, which is considered in terms of structural positions, as a set of factors or motives, and motivation ‒ as a dynamic education, as a process, a mechanism.

The author's definition of the concept of motivation of servicemen of the National Guard of Ukraine – as a structured and orderly set of leading motives, allows mobilizing and directing psychological resources of the person on service and combat activity, neutralizing influence of extreme conditions at performance of service and combat tasks.

The study of motivation of servicemen of the National Guard of Ukraine as a factor of professional development should be conducted from the standpoint of dynamic and structural approaches.  With the help of a structural approach it is possible to study the structure and content of the motives for professional growth of a serviceman of the National Guard of Ukraine.

A dynamic approach can provide an explanation of the mechanisms for implementing the process of professional development of servicemen of the National Guard of Ukraine.

The most important motives for military service for the professional development of servicemen of the National Guard of Ukraine are social and value motives, motives for cooperation, motives for success in activities, as well as satisfaction with the chosen profession and the desire to expand the sphere of influence.

We believe that the study of the characteristics of the motivation for servicemen will help to develop a program for the formation of the motivational and volitional sphere of servicemen in the future.


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