variants of application of forces and means of protection of the state border, criterion of estimation of quality of variants, a guarantee of inviolability of the state borderAbstract
The main directions of optimization of control procedures at the state border of Ukraine had been defined by Strategy of integrated border management for the period up to 2025. This normative legal act determines the need to find rational options for building the protection of the state border, taking into account the peculiarities of geopolitical and physical-geographical conditions, the available forces and means of border units, and so on.
Based on the results of the analysis of sources, it is concluded that the existing scientific and methodological apparatus does not fully meet the conditions of the tasks of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine as a subject of national security of Ukraine. This revealed the need to find a scientific and methodological apparatus for evaluating effectiveness of the use of forces and means of state border protection and substantiation of the evaluation criterion the quality of the organization of state border protection.
As an example, the article uses the area of responsibility of the Border Guard Service department “Selyatyn”. The results of operational and service activities of this department indicate that despite the management decisions to form options for building state border protection using human and logistical resources does not provide the desired result for border protection, which justified the need to find new approaches to building state border protection.
As a criterion (“measured”) for evaluation the quality of the organization of state border protection, the term “guarantee of inviolability of the state border” was used. This approach allowed the fulfillment of the conditions of Art. 1 of the Law of Ukraine “About the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine”, namely, ensuring the inviolability of the state border and protection of Ukraine's sovereign rights in its adjacent area and exclusive (maritime) economic area, to be presented as a criterion at any area of responsibility of the state border of Ukraine.
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