moral and psychological state, National Guard of Ukraine, service and combat activities, units for escorting, extradition and protection of defendants, questionnaireAbstract
In this article we propose to consider the questionnaire of assessment of the moral and psychological condition of the servicemen of the National Guard of Ukraine of the escorting convicts. With the help of a questionnaire, the moral and psychological condition of a serviceman is assessed, and an expert assessment of the moral and psychological condition of servicemen is carried out with the help of certain factors.
Formulation of the problem: conditions for combat missions by servicemen of National Guard of Ukraine of escorting convicts units are characterized by a negative impact on the human psyche. Adverse conditions, discomfort and threatening factors create a high level of occupational stress. The servicemen of the National Guard of Ukraine who perform a combat mission is exposed not only to physical threat (life and health) but also a significant risk of stress, neuropsychiatric disorders and mental maladaptation. They often cause disruptions in professional activities, loss or reduction of ability to work, interpersonal conflicts, violations of discipline, alcohol use and other negative phenomena.
The purpose of the article is to develop a questionnaire to assess the moral and psychological condition of the personnel of the National Guard of Ukraine escorting convicts units. Analysis of recent research and publications. Today there are several methods, the main of which is the assessment of the situation during the battle with the determination of the level of readiness of servicemen for combat operations; assessment of the moral and psychological condition of the personnel of the unit in peacetime and wartime; assessment of the moral and psychological condition of the personnel of the troops on the basis of quantitative determination of its main indicators; assessment and prediction of moral and psychological condition. None of them is officially defined as normative, but mandatory for use in the military sphere.
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