important state object, technical means of detection, semi-active bistatic radar stationAbstract
The effectiveness of the performance of combat missions by security forces depends on the technical equipment of means of detecting units of protection of important state objects. The article analyzes the principles of operation of technical means of perimeter alarm systems used to protect important state objects, their advantages and disadvantages. The analysis showed that for the construction of particularly reliable alarm systems it is necessary to use the method of complexation – equipping the perimeter with several boundaries of the detection means based on different physical principles.
To ensure the reliable protection of important state objects, it is necessary to use detection tools, which should provide information about the approach to the protected object on “long” approaches, which will increase the time to respond. According to the principle of operation, such means of detection are divided into passive and active radar systems. In addition, the detection means can be single- or multi-position and work in decimeter, centimeter or millimeter ranges, which provides detection of terrestrial objects, including biological ones.
The possibilities of passive bistatic radar for the use of cellular, radio and television terrestrial and space-based signals as an inexpensive surveillance device and covert detection of terrestrial and surface objects are considered.
One of the main advantages of semi-active systems, given that the backlight transmitters work in continuous mode, is the possibility of long-term signal accumulation.
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