barrel bore, breech of the weapon, muzzle of the weapon, abrasion, technical condition, ballistic element of the shot, the process of shooting, modelingAbstract
A promising method for diagnosing defects in the channels of firearms barrels, in particular, their erasure, providing for the use of measurement information about the ballistic elements of the shot, is considered. The application of this method should be based on the use of a data Bank on the ballistic elements of the shot, corresponding to the serviceable state of the barrel channel and different degrees of manifestation of its erasure.
The purpose of the article is to obtain a mathematical description of the bore profile in the presence of areas of abrasion and to develop a mathematical model of the shot taking into account this defect.
A mathematical description of the trunk channel profile in the presence of its partial removal based on trigonometric and polynomial functions is proposed. A mathematical model of the shot is developed, which takes into account the loss of part of the energy of the powder gases due to their break between the walls of the barrel and the projectile in the presence of areas of erasure of the barrel.
An improved mathematical model of the shot was tested by simulating the shot process taking into account attrition using a numerical method. Based on the results of modeling, curves for the ballistic elements of the shot for different firearms samples were obtained in the presence of erasure of the barrel channel in various parts of it, and their analysis was carried out.
It is shown that the location of the erasure area of the barrel bore and the degree of manifestation of this defect can be identified by the nature of the curves for the ballistic elements of the shot.
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