addictive behavior, addictions, servicemen, psychological features, factors, mechanismsAbstract
The article considers the most common factors of addictive human behavior in biological, sociological and psychological aspects. Typical mechanisms of persons predisposed to chemical forms of addictive behavior are described. The basic stages of formation of addictions among servicemen are given. The negative consequences of the use of psychoactive substances and their impact on others are given.
The theoretical study of the problem of addictive behavior of the individual formed an idea of the main factors of professional activity of servicemen, influencing its emergence and spread. Such factors for military service include: upbringing in a disadvantaged family; being in different social groups that promote alcohol or surfactant use; experiencing traumatic events in childhood (violence, death of parents, etc.); the presence of character accentuations; poorly developed intellectual abilities; increased anxiety, stress, avoidance of responsibility or life difficulties; the desire to shift responsibility to others.
During military service, the main factors in the emergence and spread of addictive behavior of servicemen include the following: “traditions” of alcohol consumption in military teams (obtaining military ranks, promotion, successful implementation of military service, dismissal and other holidays); accessibility to surfactant use of the influence of senior commanders or more authoritative employees; problems related to difficult social and living conditions or violations of social guarantees for servicemen and members of their families; excessive workload, which, in turn, can lead to conflicts in the family; suppression of the emotional sphere after a traumatic event (death of a friend, injury, firing to defeat, etc.) by alcohol abuse or surfactants, which in the future may be formed by a stable strategy as the only correct behavior (response) to such stimuli; the development of post-traumatic stress symptoms due to the stress experienced during the performance of professional duties.
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