evaluation of effectiveness, monitoring, operational environment, public order, riotsAbstract
Military units of the National Guard of Ukraine have law enforcement functions. While planning and conducting tasks in accordance with these functions, the unit commander decides to perform these tasks. In the decision-making process, you need to have the information about the operational situation in the area of the task. For this purpose, the headquarters of the military unit organizes the monitoring of the operational situation which means a system of constant monitoring of processes and events which take place in the area of tasks; the results of which serve to justify management decisions to ensure human safety.
In the monitoring process the information is obtained from various sources, such as: interacting structures; the Internet; an intelligence subunit of this unit and others. In compliance with it, the more sources of information exist, the more reliable information will be, but it also increases the time for its processing. That is why there is a need to evaluate the effectiveness of monitoring the operational environment, considering the factors which are being monitored and determine the state of the operational environment, and also the time spent on it.
For this purpose, the evaluation technique of effectiveness of planning and organization of monitoring the operational environment while conducting law enforcement functions by military units of the National Guard of Ukraine is developed. This technique considers the importance of factors that determine the state of the operational environment as well as the time required to process information in accordance with these factors. This can help the military to select the appropriate monitoring necessary in certain circumstances and, as a result, to evaluate the operational environment reliably in order to decide and conduct the task.
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