strategy, biological security, public administration, pathogen, risk management, a biological threatAbstract
The article is devoted to the problems of the formation of the Strategy of public administration in the field of biological security. The strategy of public administration in the field of biosecurity is a normative document that defines the main long-term goals and objectives of the subjects of public administration in the field of biosecurity. The strategy of public administration in the field of biosecurity should be a guideline for working out the regulations and developing the management tools for biosecurity. It has been substantiated that the strategy is of a practical character as a direct basis for the strategic management of the processes related to the biosecurity. Among the basic principles of the Strategy of public administration in the field of biosecurity are: legality; the ensuring of physical security (physical protection of critical infrastructure from the standpoint of biological security); personal responsibility and professional suitability of the personnel engaged in potentially hazardous activities in biological laundering; material control and accounting (inventory); response to incidents and emergencies; information security and transparency; balance of interests of national security, society and an individual. It has been established that the Strategy of public administration in the field of biosecurity should be focused on achieving the following management goals: protection of public health and security from risks caused by human and animal pathogens and toxins, genetically modified materials; biological risk management; early detection of biological threats; prevention of proliferation of biological weapons, uncontrolled distribution of genetically modified materials; unification of common standards for the work and the formation of the systems to contain and prevent biological threats.
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