National Guard of Ukraine, Neuro Linguistic Programming, resilience, volitional qualitiesAbstract
An experimental test of the influence of Neuro Linguistic Programming methods for improving the hardiness and volitional qualities of cadets was carried out. A statistically significant increase in the indicator of the motivational and volitional component, according to the methodology “Psychological safety of the personality” by I. Prykhodko, and indicators: involvement, control, risk acceptance of the questionnaire from “Hardiness” by S. Maddi was distinguished. The expediency of using Neuro Linguistic Programming methods for psychology influencing military personnel of the National Guard of Ukraine has been determined.
In the article сonclusions were made:
- For carrying out psychological training in the National Guard of Ukraine it is expedient to use NLP methods in two directions. The first direction is ‒ during the psychological training of personnel to activity in extreme conditions. The second direction is to counteract the influence of psycho-traumatic stressors, to provide psychological assistance to personnel, to restore the necessary level of psychological security of the individual.
- Working with the image of the situation (memory) taught cadets to overcome past negative situations, to look for ways of their cognitive processing. After each technique, an oral interview was conducted on the impressions of the NLP methods. 91 % of cadets spoke about positive changes in the selected negative situations, 9 % of cadets for various reasons were not motivated to work with technicians.
- As a result of the conducted experimental research the influence of NLP methods on indicators of viability of cadets was proved. A statistically significant increase in the indicators of hardiness, involvement, control and the indicator of the motivational and volitional component of the psychological security of the personality were identified.
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