professional competence, competence formation management, competence model, competence level, competence level controlAbstract
The urgency of the problem of managing the formation of professional competence of future officers and the development of methodological provisions for its solution is substantiated. The concept is defined and the task of managing the formation of their professional competence is formulated in a meaningful way.
The scheme of solving the formulated problem is proposed, in which the composition of professional competencies of officers of a certain specialty is consistently determined, the model of competence of a graduate of a military educational institution is formed, the required level of his competence is substantiated, educational process plans are formed to ensure the required level of competence control of the level of formation of the graduate's competence.
The formation of competencies and their elements is carried out on the basis of normative documents that define the responsibilities for the position of the graduate, as well as the requirements for him as an individual.
A formalized and meaningful form of competence model is proposed, in which the general level of competence of a graduate has a kind of deterministic mathematical dependence on the assessment of certain individual components of competence taking into account their weight, and the dependence of these assessments on their determining factors has a meaningful form and is formed by expert method. The mathematical expression of the competence model is given.
It is proposed to control the level of competence formation based on the results of current success in the educational institution, which forms the forecast level of competence of the graduate, as well as the results of their service in the army after graduation, which forms the real level of competence. Based on their comparison and analysis, appropriate solutions are developed to improve graduate training.
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