efficiency, assessment, logistics system, service, costs, quality of logistics serviceAbstract
Questions of estimation of efficiency of logistic service of the enterprises and non-profit organizations in the security and defense sector of Ukraine are considered. It is justified that the logistics system has the property of emergence (elements of the logistics system must work as a whole), also it is characterized by integration qualities (the effect of the sum exceeds the sum of the effects), the efficiency of the logistics system should be an integrated model of the efficiency of the main and supporting subsystems of the logistics system. Author's method of assessing the effectiveness of logistics services of the enterprises and non-profit organizations is presented. Such indicators as general logistics costs; quality of logistics service; duration of logistics cycles; productivity; return on investment in logistics infrastructure are as key indicators of logistics efficiency (logistics system). To determine the integrated indicator of the efficiency of the logistics system, it is necessary to solve the problem of divergence of the considered indicators of evaluation of logistics subsystems. To solve this problem it is necessary to use the process of their rationing. When analyzing the integrated indicator, it is necessary to take into account that at the reference functioning of the subsystem its value is equal to 0, and at the worst functioning of the subsystem its value is equal to 1. The geometric interpretation of the integrated indicator of the efficiency of logistics services of the enterprise is given: the integrated indicator determines the degree of proximity of the indicators of the compared subsystem to the indicators of the reference subsystem. It is shown that the considered method of estimating the efficiency of the logistics system is an effective tool in managing the competitiveness of the enterprise
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