professional development, professional formation, service and combat activity, officers, National Guard of UkraineAbstract
The article states that since the beginning of the anti-terrorist operation, and later ‒ the Joint Forces operation, the components of the security and defense sector of Ukraine have taken a direct part in repelling armed aggression. Unfortunately, combat experience has not been fully integrated into the training of military officers. For a number of reasons, we have a shortage of professional, motivated competent personnel compared to military specialists in developed countries.
It is established that the analysis of scientific works indicates that the theoretical principles of improving the professional development of officers of the National Guard of Ukraine are currently insufficiently developed. The components of the structure of professional development require detailed consideration to identify problems, study and eliminate them. And given the role of the National Guard of Ukraine, as one of the dominant in the current arrangement of the security and defense sector, this issue needs further study.
The purpose of the article is to substantiate the theoretical foundations of professional development of officers of the National Guard of Ukraine and provide recommendations for further prospects of the study.
Guards of Ukraine allowed establishing that in general the essence and content of this process is consistent with the results of theoretical research on the problem of professional development of the individual in general, but also has some specifics related to the peculiarities of their combat activities and socio-psychological characteristics of the military environment.
It is substantiated that the professional development of officers involves the creation of a flexible, specific system of professional training, focused on solving combat missions of the unit. Education, training, self-training play a unifying role in achieving goals. According to the content of becoming an officer, professional development includes: entering the profession, professional self-determination, gaining professional experience, development of personality traits and qualities which are necessary for qualified performance of professional activity.
A detailed analysis of the professional development of the officer will identify inconsistencies that significantly affect the overall process with the ability to further adjust this process and taking into account the factors of influence to stabilize it as much as possible in a progressive direction. The structure of professional development includes three components: organizational (direct formation of professional knowledge, skills and abilities), personal (consists of a balanced combination of professionally important qualities and professional activity), motivational (stimulates professional activity).
The direction of further research will be aimed at eliminating inconsistencies that significantly affect the overall process of professional development of the officer, defining methods for adjusting this process taking into account the factors of influence to maximize the stabilization of this process.
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