intruder, covert surveillance, bistatic angle, radar cross-section (RCS), protection zoneAbstract
The article discusses the geometric and energy characteristics of the surveillance system in bistatic radar with a signal from a radio-television transmitting station of the T2 standard. Based on the estimated power of the reflected signal, which at the input of the receiver depends on a number of factors and, first of all, on the reflecting properties of the object, in accordance with the generalized equation of the communication line with losses, the dynamic range and the limiting sensitivity of the receiving device were calculated.
The necessary attention is paid to an important characteristic of the object, which is the bistatic RCS. Its value depends on many factors, such as the parameters of the bistatic location system, and the target itself. Of particular interest in determining the energy characteristics of a bistatic system is the effect of the so-called “translucent” location, which manifests itself at bistatic angles large 130°.
Using the example of the northern border of the Kharkiv region and the use of illumination by TV transmitters of the Belgorod region, the coverage area of the bistatic link of the system is calculated and the possibility of observing objects in the area of responsibility is shown. For this, a computational algorithm has been developed and implemented.
The total viewing angle is approximately 60°, which accordingly influences the organization of the area of responsibility. To ensure control of the entire front hemisphere, it is necessary to have at least three radars with antennas that have the ability to re-target the angle bisector to the corresponding station T2. An existing antenna of the Channel Master 4228 type is proposed for use.
Directions for further research. Particular attention should be paid to clarifying the behavior of the bistatic effective scattering surface of objects of resonant dimensions, as well as determining the characteristics of the bistatic covert surveillance system in terms of compensation for the influence of the earth’s surface.
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