motives, actual needs, motivation of service, military personnel, service and combat activity, National Guard of UkraineAbstract
The article presents a theoretical overview of the study of motivation of professional activity in foreign and domestic psychology in general and professional motivation of representatives of the security and defense forces of Ukraine. It is determined that motivation, as a driving force of behavior, plays an important role in the process of forming the personality of a serviceman, his interests in the military profession and awareness of its social significance. Motivation is a special kind of set of processes that regulate the professional activity, focus, selectivity, meaningfulness, dynamism and efficiency of servicemen.
It is determined that the vast majority of servicemen have a favorable motivation to serve in the National Guard of Ukraine. For the majority of respondents (more for groups of officers than for contract military servicemen), the profession of a serviceman of the National Guard of Ukraine is a source for self-development, self-realization and achieving the status of a qualified specialist.
The differences in the motivational sphere between servicemen-officers and servicemen of contract military service, as well as between servicemen-participants of hostilities and those who do not have such experience are pointed out. It is determined that there is a certain share of servicemen (relatively more of them among contract military servicemen who do not have the status of a combatant than among officers with a similar status) who are more focused on meeting their own needs, namely: solution of material and household problems; obtaining benefits, privileges, power over others; compensation of characterological shortcomings at the expense of the profession; desire to belong to a certain social group; meeting antisocial needs that can be addressed through the status, image of a representative of the security and defense forces, for example, for illegal gain, material reward, etc.
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